Becoming a Healthy Being [HOW TO]

Many people with serious illnesses would give anything for a single day of perfect health. To be healthy and make the most of what you’ve... thumbnail 1 summary

Many people with serious illnesses would give anything for a single day of perfect health. To be healthy and make the most of what you’ve got, we suggest you read this article which could help you get your life on the right path in becoming a healthy being.
Who is a healthy being?

A healthy being ensures that he or she eats a healthy balanced meal, combined with regular exercise and a strong mind. Sounds hard? Of course it’s hard. There are so many temptations around. You have starchy foods which only get stored in the body as fat if not used as energy and fatty foods which only get stored as fat too.
Think about all the starch and fat that you consume everyday and what is happening to your body if those foods are not used up by the body.
What happens to the heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and all the other organs in the body that are so vital to our everyday living?
It is said that the body is like a car; it needs to be taken care of or else it will break down. You all know what a car needs; regular servicing to ensure that all the parts are fully functional. Just as how a car needs things to keep running your body need healthy foods to keep going.
What does the body need?
  • Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables – For vitamins and minerals to fight against diseases, bacteria and viruses and to keep the bones, teeth, hair, nails and skin healthy.
  • Reduce saturated fats intake – It clogs the arteries and veins reducing the flow of blood around the body and increases the risks of hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes;
  • Get more carbs – having enough carbohydrates for energy especially if you’re a busy person.
  • Protein intake – You need protein to repair the muscles that gets damaged throughout the day.
  • Remember our fibre and water – the two things that we forget to have a lot of; fibre and lots and lots of water.

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Good Health Tips To Keep You Fit and Fine

Health is wealth and we have summarized some   good health tips   to make you healthy and fit. Transform the way you eat ... thumbnail 1 summary

Health is wealth and we have summarized some good health tips to make you healthy and fit. Transform the way you eat with our good health tips. These good health tips are easy to follow and will help you maintain a healthy body:
  • Drink enough water and be properly hydrated. You should stay away from aerated drinks and energy drinks while you are exercising. Energy drinks is only a good option when you are going for long distance running. Proper hydration can curb hunger and boost your metabolism.
  • Do not starve yourself. Eat regular meals but control your portions. Eating a proper breakfast is very essential if you want to maintain a healthy body. People who skip breakfast tend to gain weight. You should always aim to have a balanced breakfast including fresh fruits, high fibre cereal to name a few. To keep your servings in control use a smaller plate.
  • Get enough sleep. It is the keystone of weight management as it has an impact on your hormones. Your weight management will get better with better hormone balance. Sleep controls your diet. If you sleep for less than seven hours per night, it can reduce and undo the benefits of your healthy dieting.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Most of the fruits and vegetables are low in calories compared to other food. They also work as an excellent substitute for different recipes. They protect you from many kinds of diseases as well. Fruits and vegetables also aid in weight loss and maintain good health. Include them in your daily diet and watch your body transform.
  • Carbohydrates are very essential for your body. They are the main source of energy for your body and maintain an efficient functioning of many systems and tissues in the human body. It also functions to regulate the digestive system and maintain good intestinal health. We recommend that 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates.
  • No matter how healthy your diet is or how much you exercise, smoking and consumption of alcohol can undo all the health benefits. Smoking not only causes lung cancer but is also linked to many other illnesses. It also reduces life expectancy to eight to nine years. Drinking a glass of red wine is good for the heart but if done excessively it can lead to serious health problems later in life.

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5 Tips For Your Daily Routine That Will Inspire You To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Do you want to know the secret to having a healthy life? Unfortunately, there are no quick shortcuts and you probably already kno... thumbnail 1 summary

Do you want to know the secret to having a healthy life? Unfortunately, there are no quick shortcuts and you probably already know all of the basic rules. Finding happiness is mostly just a matter of following through with what you are already aware of, but here are five reminders for how to make your daily routine lead you to a full and healthy life.

1. Go to bed early enough so you can wake up without an alarm clock

For most people, getting enough rest every night means you can naturally wake up the next morning. A dependency on your alarm clock is a telltale sign that you didn’t go to bed early enough. To optimize your body’s recovery during the sleep process, you have to give your body enough time to rest. Experts say to go to bed fifteen minutes earlier and see if you wake up better. If you’re still having trouble getting up in the morning, go to bed even fifteen minutes earlier than your moved-up bedtime. Continue to increase the number of hours of sleep you get in order to feel well rested. We each need a different amount of sleep time for our bodies to function at their best so listen to your own system rather than following an arbitrary schedule that may only work for someone else.

2. Eat a breakfast fit for royalty

Perhaps you’re sick of being told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but the truth still reigns supreme. Eating a nutritious meal in the morning helps give you strength to endure the day, helps improve your concentration and even helps with weight control. We may reason that skipping breakfast will help you keep your calories down, but studies continue to show that those who regularly eat breakfast tend to weigh less. Starting your day off right can help you make better food decisions throughout the day since you won’t be feeling desperately hungry and as willing to eat anything you can get your hands on at lunchtime. People who skip breakfast also tend to overcompensate for the missed calories by eating significantly bigger portions at subsequent meal and snack times, making the daily calorie count at a few hundred calories over what it could have been, had you properly tackled your hunger from the get-go.
When nutritionists and diet experts talk about eating breakfast as if your were a queen or king, the professionals aren’t talking about filling up on sugars, fats and empty calories. The idea behind eating a big breakfast is that your body has access to essential nutrients, protein and fiber for lasting energy and strength. Even when you’re dieting, don’t skimp on breakfast, just make sure your calories actually pack a punch by avoiding coffee and donuts while you stick to powerful alternatives like vegetable and fruit smoothies. Of course, the rest of your day’s worth of meals and snacks should also consist of healthful, nutrient-rich choices so start right and keep up the good work throughout the day.

3. Squeeze in physical activity whenever you can

Work may be exhausting and really cramping your exercise style. Perhaps you don’t have the oomph to hit the gym before going to your job, and when it’s time to finally come home, the last thing on your mind is going out again. Thankfully, you can make the most of your present schedule by inserting mini exercise sessions into the day. You can maximize the distance you have to walk from your car to your office, you can take the stairs when you have to drop something off on another floor in your building and you can walk to the far drinking fountain to fill up your water bottle. When a coworker or boss needs help running an errand, you can be the first person to offer your services. If you have a private office, you may be able to slip in fifty jumping jacks here or there, but even if you don’t have such a luxury, you can still optimize your break times to help your exercise situation. If you have a job that doesn’t lend itself to getting in movement, make sure to use those fifteen minute breaks for personal time to take a little walk and get some fresh air. Clear your mind while you shuffle your feet.

4. Work hard, play hard

Having a healthy life requires having a healthy balance between work and play. You’ve got to pay the bills, yes, but your mind and body also need downtime and recreation in order to relax and to keep stress and anxiety at bay. Mental and emotional problems can take a huge toll on the proper functioning of your body. When mild forms of depression hit, you may be able to bounce back with a few positive exchanges involving loved ones or your favorite hobbies. When you’re dealing with more severe problems, however, you may benefit from talking with a counselor or other medical professional to work through the pain you’re experiencing.
Even if you don’t have a lot of free time, you can still figure out what really interests you and make plans accordingly. Busy schedules may not allow for non-stop fun, but with a little bit of forethought, you can learn to at least make the most of the time you do have. When you’re in a rut, you may spend your free time just dwelling on how hard life is and how much you dislike your circumstances. Work on changing the things you can, but also accept the factors that you can’t control and don’t waste another minute complaining or feeling sorry about what’s out of your reach. Being completely healthy requires feeling at peace with life. Not every minute will be happy, but you can reach a state of overall contentment and satisfaction.

5. Tap into your spirituality and goodness

Regardless of your brand of beliefs, you can tap into the higher feelings of love and kindness. Living an interconnected life where you think about others, provide service and make a difference for good will help you stay active, motivated and energetic. There’s just something about being selfless that helps put everything into perspective, providing rejuvenation for your whole body. If you want to be healthy on the inside and out, you have to put time and energy into building up something other than just your muscles. Let your inner beauty shine for all to see and only then can life come full circle.

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Smoking: Do you really know the risks?

You probably know about  the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, but did you know smoking is also linked to heart ... thumbnail 1 summary

You probably know about  the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, but did you know smoking is also linked to heart disease, stroke and other chronic lung diseases?  Smoking can also increase your risk for cancer of the bladder, throat and mouth, kidneys, cervix and pancreas.  Thinking about quitting? Look at the facts!

Why you should quit?

  • Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in the United States.
  • Almost one third of deaths from coronary heart disease are attributable to smoking and secondhand smoke.
  • Smoking is linked to about 90% of lung cancer cases in the United States.
  • About 20 percent of adult men and about 16 percent of adult women smoke.
  • The highest percentage of people who smoke are between the ages of 21 and 34.
  • About 54 percent of American children ages 3-11 are exposed to secondhand smoke.
  • On average, smokers die more than 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.
  • You can be one of the millions of people who successfully quit every year.

What makes cigarettes so toxic and dangerous?

There are more than 5,000 chemical components found in cigarette smoke and hundreds of them are harmful to human health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here are a few examples:
  • 1,3-Butadiene is a chemical used to manufacture rubber. It is considered to be a carcinogenic chemical that can cause certain blood cancers.
  • Arsenic is used to preserve wood. Some arsenic compounds have been linked to cancer of the lung, skin, liver, and bladder.
  • Benzene is used to manufacture other chemicals. It can cause cancer, particularly leukemia, in humans.
  • Cadmium is a metal used to make batteries. Cadmium and cadmium compounds can cause lung cancer and have been associated with kidney and prostate cancer.
  • Chromium VI is used to make alloy metals, paint and dyes. Chromium VI compounds cause lung cancer and have been associated with cancer of the nose and nasal sinuses.
  • Formaldehyde is used to make other chemicals and resins. It is also used as a preservative. Formaldehyde causes leukemia and cancer in respiratory tissues.
  • Polonium-210 is a radioactive element that has been shown to cause cancer in animals.
  • Tar is not one single chemical, instead it describes several chemicals that are in tobacco smoke. It leaves a sticky, brown residue on your lungs, teeth and fingernails.

Carbon monoxide & nicotine: A dangerous duo

Carbon monoxide is a harmful gas you inhale when you smoke.  Once in your lungs, it’s transferred to your bloodstream.  Carbon monoxide decreases the amount of oxygen that is carried in the red blood cells.  It also increases the amount of cholesterol that is deposited into the inner lining of the arteries which, over time, can cause the arteries to harden.  This leads to heart disease, artery disease and possibly heart attack.
Nicotine is a dangerous and highly addictive chemical. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, flow of blood to the heart and a narrowing of the arteries (vessels that carry blood). Nicotine may also contribute to the hardening of the arterial walls, which in turn, may lead to a heart attack. This chemical can stay in your body for six to eight hours depending on how often you smoke.  Also, as with most addictive substances, there are some side effects of withdrawal.

Second-Hand Smoke

Smokers aren’t the only ones affected by tobacco smoke. Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard for nonsmokers, especially children. Nonsmokers who have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol have an even greater risk of developing heart diseases when they’re exposed to secondhand smoke.
smonking and risksSecondhand tobacco smoke contributes to about 34,000 premature heart disease deaths and 7,300 lung cancer deaths. Studies show that the risk of developing heart disease is about 25-30 percent higher among people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke at home or work. Secondhand smoke promotes illness, too. Children of smokers have many more respiratory infections than do children of nonsmokers. Excerpted and adapted from “When Risk Factors Unite,” appearing in the Stroke Connection Magazine January/February 2005 (Science update May 2008)

These are just a few of the dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes; there are many more.  But you do not have to spend the rest of your life giving in to your addiction! Thousands of people kick the habit every year, and you can be one of them.  It may not be easy, but you can do it!

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5 Steps to Loving Exercise and Doing it everyday

We all know the benefits of regular physical activity – increased energy, better cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of hea... thumbnail 1 summary
We all know the benefits of regular physical activity – increased energy, better cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke and looking more svelte.
But about 80 percent of Americans don’t make exercise a regular habit, and, according to a 2012 American Heart Association website survey, 14 percent say they don’t like exercise.
So how do you overcome an exercise aversion? Mercedes Carnethon, Ph.D., associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, has some tips to help you incorporate exercise into your life – and maybe even learn to like it.

1. Exercise That Suits You

Find an exercise that best fits your personality, Dr. Carnethon said. If you are social person, do something that engages you socially – take a group exercise class, join a kickball team or walk with a group of friends. Or, if you prefer having time alone, walking or jogging solo might be a better fit for you. Finding a peer group is the perfect way to connect with others who share your goals, lifestyles, schedules and hobbies.
Try some of these ideas to help you get moving – at home, at work or at play.

2. Make it a Habit

It can take a little while for something to become a habit, so give yourself the time to create a regular routine. One way is to try to exercise around the same time each day.
“Exercise can become addictive in a positive way,” said Dr. Carnethon, who is also an American Heart Association volunteer. “Once it becomes a habit, you’ll notice when you aren’t doing something.”

3. Build Exercise Into Your Lifestyle

Be honest with yourself. If you don’t live close to a gym, it may be harder to become a habit for you. Likewise, if you are not a morning person, don’t plan on somehow getting up at the crack of dawn to make a boot camp class.
“The key is building activity into your lifestyle so it is not disruptive,” Dr. Carnethon said.
There are many ways to fit exercise into your life, and it doesn’t mean you have to make a big financial investment.
You can borrow exercise videos from the library or DVR an exercise program. Do weight or resistance training with items around your home (for example, use canned goods as light weights).  Walking is great option, as well. The only investment is a good pair of shoes.
do exercise

4. Do Bouts of Exercise

It’s OK to break up your physical activity into smaller segments, Dr. Carnethon said. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes a day of exercise most days, but if that sounds overwhelming, try three 10-minute workout sessions.
You could do a quick calisthenics routine when you wake up, take a brief walk after lunch at work and, if you commute with public transportation, get off a stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.

5. Keep Going

If you miss a day or a workout, don’t worry about it. Everybody struggles once in a while. Just make sure you get back at it the next day.
“It doesn’t take too long to get back on track,” Dr. Carnethon said. “It’s easy to make something a habit again. You will see same benefits before. Any little bit you can fit in will show benefits.”
do exercise 

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9 Tips for Real Food Newbies

Tip #1: Start slow. Committing to a complete overhaul of your eating habits is ahuge shift to make. And if you’re confident in y... thumbnail 1 summary
  • Tip #1: Start slow. Committing to a complete overhaul of your eating habits is ahuge shift to make. And if you’re confident in your ability to do that all at once,awesome!I didn’t have the discipline to switch to real food overnight.Instead, it was a process that took about 6 months for me to make and really stick with. I started by just going gluten free, then grain free, and finally dairy and legume free (but have since added some raw dairy back into my diet).If you’re comfortable with making a 180-degree switch to real food as fast as possible, that’s GREAT! But if not, don’t feel bad about doing it in stages.

  • Tip #2: Don’t get discouraged. You may not see/feel changes right away. And especially if you make the transition slowly (which is totally OK), you may not get the results you want as quickly as you’d like.When I started eating real food, the changes I noticed were subtle, yet encouraging. And it wasn’t until I went “all in” with a strict 30 days of paleo that I felt/saw changes that were truly remarkable.If experiencing change is taking time, don’t panic. Stick with it! And if you start to really feel frustrated with your lack of progress, consider seeing a trustworthy medical practitioner to help you along in your journey.

  • Tip #3: Don’t stress. Stressing over food choices (or anything) is arguably just as harmful as a poor diet.Try not to worry too much about what is and isn’t okay to eat at first. The longer you eat real food and educate yourself on its benefits, the easier it will be to make nourishing and healthy choices. And after awhile, it will become second nature.

  • Tip #4: Focus on what you CAN eat, not what you CAN’T. At first, paleo can seem more like a long list of “don’ts” rather than a new and exciting way of eating.Try not to get overwhelmed by all of the things that are suddenly off limits. Because even though it may not seem like it at first, the list of foods that are okay to eat is a pretty darn extensive.

  • Tip #5: Pay attention to your body. Your body will undergo a lot of changes as you start feeding it differently.Pay attention to how this new way of eating affects you. Do you have more energy? Are you less susceptible to getting sick? Has your mood improved? These subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) positive changes will make your new lifestyle all the more rewarding and easier to stick to.

  • Tip #6: Look at ingredients, not calories. This is a tough one for a lot of people, and it takes time to stop obsessing over how many grams of fat are in coconut milk or how many carbs are in a banana.While calories do matter, they’re not nearly as important as the ingredients in our food. And when we eat the right foods (that don’t contain cheap chemical colorings, appetite stimulants, fillers, preservatives, etc.), we allow the body to naturally regulate how much food it needs and when to stop eating.

  • Tip #7: Use resources. There are SO many wonderful resources out there (books, foods, gadgets, etc.) aimed at getting YOU healthy.

  • Tip #8: Join a challenge group. For many of us, it helps to have support and encouragement from others when making a major lifestyle switch. That’s why it can be very beneficial to join a challenge group that comes with built-in support when making the shift towards real food.
  • Tip #9: Don’t beat yourself up. You WILL make mistakes. It’s going to happen. Don’t be too hard on yourself when it does.
Instead, try to understand the factors that led to you eating and think about how to better prepare yourself next time. And if all it comes down to is that you, as an adult, chose to eat something that wasn’t necessarily the best thing for you, who cares! Accept it and move on

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7 Foods for Healthy Hair

You are what you eat, the old saying goes. Whether or not you think that pertains to the brain, nails, skin or hair, I suspect that wh... thumbnail 1 summary
You are what you eat, the old saying goes. Whether or not you think that pertains to the brain, nails, skin or hair, I suspect that what we put in our bodies affects all of these things. Simply put, food supplies your body with important nutrients to keep it running at its best. 
For example, a few foods that have been shown to be beneficial to the brain are walnuts, omega-3 fats, blueberries, turmeric, barley and quinoa, according to the Cleveland Clinic. A low-carb Mediterranean diet, which includes fruit, vegetables, legumes, "good" fats and fish are thought to help protect against Alzheimer's disease. 
And what about your hair? While there are many products on the market that can temporarily boost the look of your tresses, why not put some healthy ingredients into your body to go to work for—and protect— those 100,000 hairs on your head? 
Here are some foods with hair-health benefits:
Healthy omega-3 fatty acids can foster hair growth and sheen. Your body is unable to manufacture these healthy fats on its own, so fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna can supply them. The American Heart Association advises eating two servings (3.5-ounce portions) of fatty fish per week. If you don't eat seafood, omega-3s are also found in some nuts and seeds, such as flaxseeds, but it's in a different form, so you may also want to talk with your health care provider about taking a supplement. 
Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which is critical for keeping hair healthy. It also contains vitamin B5 (or pantothenic acid), which may help prevent hair thinning and loss. And while we're on the subject of protein, make sure to get protein from foods like lean meat, chicken and turkey, which can protect against hair loss and promote growth and thickness. Eggs, milk and cheese are also considered complete protein sources. If you're a vegetarian, find your protein in foods like quinoa, chickpeas and lentils.
Strawberries, citrus fruits and peppers. What do these have in common? They're high in vitamin C, needed by your body to help produce protein. And since your body can't make or store vitamin C, it's important to include foods that contain this vitamin in your daily diet. Other sources include pineapple, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit and veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and leafy greens.
Iron-rich foods. Low iron can contribute to hair loss. Treat any deficiency with iron-rich foods like lean meat, turkey, whole grains, dried fruit, beans and egg yolks.

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9 Sunscreen Booby Traps to Avoid

Think you know how to protect yourself and your family from the sun's damaging rays? Think again. Skin cancer ( read more about skin ca... thumbnail 1 summary
Think you know how to protect yourself and your family from the sun's damaging rays? Think again. Skin cancer (read more about skin cancer) is the most common type of cancer, probably making up more than half of all diagnosed cases of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS). The good news is that about 90 percent of all skin cancers could be prevented by properly protecting yourself. Get your facts straight so you—and your family—can safely enjoy the great outdoors all year long.

4 big mistakes with big consequences:
Relying on sunscreen (or sunblock, or suntan lotion) for protection: Too many people think that using sunscreen will allow them to remain in the sun all day without burning. Experts agree: Using sunscreen isn't enough. In addition to using the right sunscreen properly, shade yourself with a beach umbrella and wear closely woven brimmed hats and clothing (preferably made from fabric treated for UV protection). Don't forget your eyes! Wearing wrap-around sunglasses with UV-screening lenses will help protect your precious peepers (read more on eye health).
During the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the UV light is strongest, try to avoid the sun altogether. Not watching the clock? The "shadow rule" can help: avoid the sun when your shadow is shorter than you are—that's when the sun is strongest.
Using the wrong sunscreen: According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, there are six main skin types, from very fair to black, and each has differing risks of enduring sun damage that can cause cancer.
Different skin types need sunscreens with varying SPF (sunburn protection factor) ratings. The American Academy of Dermatology advises, in general, choosing a sunscreen with at least SPF 15. Very fair people—who burn easily and often suffer bad sunburns—should choose higher SPF numbers such as 30 or 45. That doesn't mean, as some people think, that they can use SPF 45 and stay in the sun 45 times longer than without sunscreen coverage. It’s estimated that SPF 45 provides only 3 to 4 percent more protection than a SPF 15.
According to Dr. Taylor, the founder of, an online dermatological resource for women of Asian, African, Latin, Native American, Pacific and other native descents, skin pigment, or melanin, in the "average" African American gives protection equivalent to SPF 13, but that brown- and black-skinned people should still use sunscreen with as least SPF 15. Think of it this way: although it's not exactly additive, (SPF) 13 plus 15 equals 28, or close to (SPF) 30.
Using too little sunscreen: If you're lucky, you might find 8-ounce bottles of sunscreen, but many of the products sold today contain only 4 ounces or less. For adequate coverage, an "average"-sized adult needs to use one ounce of sunscreen (about the amount that fills your palm or a shot glass) each time they apply it. Larger people will need more. Sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours. If you're swimming or playing a sweaty sport, you need to apply it immediately after drying off.


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Baby-corn Cashew Curry

Looking for something simple, rich and easy main dish? Try this creamy Baby-corn cashew curry! Baby-corn and cashews in Onion-tomato and... thumbnail 1 summary
Looking for something simple, rich and easy main dish? Try this creamy Baby-corn cashew curry!
Baby-corn and cashews in Onion-tomato and spicy cashew gravy make a delicious main dish. This is rich, filling and delicious curry with cashews. Cashews and heavy cream add a creamy and rich texture to the dish. this is a quick recipe. Fantastic over steamed rice or with Naan, chapati / flat bread.

For Grinding: 

  • 1 onion cut in quarters
  • 1 big tomato cut in quarters
  • 2-3 green chili
  • 4-5 garlic cloves
  • 1"  ginger piece
  • 1/2 " Fresh turmeric Piece (optional)
  • 8-10 cashew nuts
  • 2 tablespoon yogurt
  • 2 tablespoon chopped coriander
For Gravy:

  • 2 tablespoon oil/ butter
  • 1" piece Cinnamon stick
  • 2 cloves
  • 2 cardamom pods
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon roasted cumin seed powder (jeera powder)
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder   
  • 1/4 teaspoon garam masala
  • salt to taste
  • 1/3 cup Thick heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon Kasuri Methi (optional)
Other ingredients:
  • 7-8 baby corn cut in two pieces
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 1 tablespoon oil

1) Soak the cashews in water for at least 30 minutes. Boil baby-corn pieces. Drain the water  from cashews and baby-corn and stir fry in 1 tablespoon of oil for a minute and keep aside.
2) Take all the ingredients for grinding into a blender and grind them to a fine paste.
3) For Gravy, Heat oil or butter in a pan, Add cinnamon stick, cloves and cardamom pods.
Then add grinded paste and sauté it for few minutes.
4) When Gravy starts to leave oil/butter and reduce in half quantity, add turmeric powder, red chili powder, black pepper powder, jeera powder, coriander powder, garam masala and salt and again sauté it for a minute.
5) Then add thick cream to the gravy and sauté for few minutes.
6) Next add Milk and bring gravy to boil. Crush Kasuri methi by hands and add to gravy and saute it for a while. Lower the heat and let cook the gravy few minutes till thicken as a consistency of thick soup. Stir in between.
7) To serve, pour gravy in a bowl and add stir-fried cashews and baby-corn. Garnish with the coriander leaves.

Related recipes:
Cheese baby corn and cabbage pulao
Grapes- Cashew curry
Paneer baby corn stir fry


You can make this curry with only cashews or you can also replace baby-corn with sweet-corn or mutter.

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Black eyed peas fritters / Pakore

Black Eyed Peas Fritters are tasty, delicious and easy to make snack. In the evening, when you crave for something along with a hot cup ... thumbnail 1 summary
Black Eyed Peas Fritters are tasty, delicious and easy to make snack. In the evening, when you crave for something along with a hot cup of tea, these  fritters can be served with tomato Ketchup or Coriander chutney as a satisfying snack.

For grinding:
  • 1 cup Black eyed Peas (soaked for 4-5 hours)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped coriander leaves
  • 10-15 mint leaves (optional)
  • 1-2 green chili
  • 1" ginger piece
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (jeera)
 Other Ingredients:
  • 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
  • salt to taste
  • oil for deep frying
  1. Grind all the ingredients listed under "For Grinding" into a coarse paste with little water if needed.
  2. Empty into the bowl. 
  3. Add fennel seeds and salt. Mix well.
  4. Heat oil in frying pan on medium flame.
  5. Drop a spoonful of batter in frying pan.
  6. Fry till golden brown.
  7. Serve hot with tomato ketchup.                                                                                                                                                          

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Black eyed beans curry / Chowlai ki sabzi

Black eyed peas curry is delicious and nutritious, eaten with plain steamed rice or vegetable pulao or even Indian flat breads, it is the... thumbnail 1 summary

Black eyed peas curry is delicious and nutritious, eaten with plain steamed rice or vegetable pulao or even Indian flat breads, it is the comfort food for me. It is a simple, quick curry that is perfect side dish for a nutritious meal.

Black eyed peas is packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals, making them ideal for growing children.

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 25 mins

Ingredients :
  • 1 cup chawali / black eyed beans
  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds (rai / sarson)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)
  • pinch of asafetida
  • 1 small onion roughly chopped
  • 1 medium tomato roughly chopped
  • 2-3 garlic cloves (lehsun)
  • small piece of ginger (adrak)
  • 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1 tablespoon coriander leaves
  • 5-6 curry leaves

1.Soak black eyed beans in water at least 4-5 hours and next drain excess water. Boil with 1 cup of
   water with turmeric powder and salt till cooked in a pressure cooker.
2.Blend onion, tomato, ginger, garlic cloves into a paste and keep aside.
3.In a pan, add oil, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves and asafetida and saute it for a while.
4. Next add grinded paste, saute it till it starts to leave oil.
5. Now add red chilli powder, coriander powder, garam masala and salt. Stir them well.
6.Add black eyed peas, salt to taste and water as required to achieve desired consistency and simmer for a few minutes.
7. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with plain steamed rice, pulao or jeera rice(cumin seed flavored rice) or with Indian flat bread (chapaties /rotis).

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Quick Milk Peda / Fudge (using less butter)

Pedas  are an Indian sweets that are delicious and very popular throughout the India and are often served as "Prasad" during au... thumbnail 1 summary
Pedas are an Indian sweets that are delicious and very popular throughout the India and are often served as "Prasad" during auspicious festivals. The microwave milk peda recipe can be prepared within minutes. This is so easy to prepare and hardly takes any time at all. I made this Pedas as a Prasad for Ganesh Chathurthi and used less butter.
Make these Pedas for Vinayaka chathurthi with this quick and easy recipe!

  • 2 and 1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (14 oz)
  • 1 and 1/2 cups  Instant non-fat milk powder
  • pinch of saffron (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • 1 tablespoon chopped pistachios for Garnish (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon charoli / chirongi nuts for garnish (optional)

Method :
  1. Melt the butter in a microwave bowl for 30 seconds.
  2. Mix together the condensed milk, milk powder and melted butter in a microwave bowl.
  3. Microwave it for two minutes. Remove and stir it thoroughly with cardamom powder and saffron.
  4. Again microwave it for 1 more minute. Depending on microwave power, you may need to microwave another 20-30 seconds.
  5. Remove from microwave and let it cool for sometime (5-7minutes).
  6. Divide them equally into small desired sized balls. Shape them into pedas
    (grease your palm before shaping them into balls, so that it does not stick onto to your hands).
  7. Now for a beautiful design, use butter knife to mark lines on pedas.
  8. Garnish Pedas with Pistacho or charoli / chirongi nuts along with saffron.
  9. Pedas are ready and keep refrigerated.

: Do not over microwave otherwise it will become dry.

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10 Gulab Jamun for Vrat / Fast ~my 100th Post

Today is a very special day in my life because it marks Daily Swad Sugandh's 100th post! Wow, what a journey it has been! can you b... thumbnail 1 summary

Today is a very special day in my life because it marks Daily Swad Sugandh's 100th post! Wow, what a journey it has been! can you believe it? I certainly can’t. It seems like yesterday that I started posting recipes, I really never thought I would last this long but over the last 3 and half months, I have discovered a love of cooking and baking and gained a lot of fabulous food blogger friends and acquaintances. Thanks all of you for encouraging and supporting me...
Tomorrow is Janmashtami, a popular Festival across India which celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna! To celebrate Janmashtami and my blog's 100th post celebration, I made Gulab Jamun for Fast / Vrat which has exactly the same taste

 Today is a very special day in my life because it marks Daily Swad Sugandh's 100th post! Wow, what a journey it has been! can you believe it? I certainly can’t. It seems like yesterday that I started posting recipes, I really never thought I would last this long but over the last 3 and half months, I have discovered a love of cooking and baking and gained a lot of fabulous food blogger friends and acquaintances. Thanks all of you for encouraging and supporting me...
Tomorrow is Janmashtami, a popular Festival across India which celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna! To celebrate Janmashtami and my blog's 100th post celebration, I made Gulab Jamun for Fast / Vrat which has exactly the same taste.

Gulab Jamun is a traditional Indian dessert often eaten at festivals or major celebrations such as marriages, Diwali (the Indian festival of light). Soft and spongy milky balls soaked in a light sugar syrup flavored with rose water, saffron and cardamom. 


For Gulab jamun:
  • 1 cup nonfat milk powder
  • 2 tablespoon Arrowroot
  • 2 tablespoon butter
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup full cream milk

For Syrup:
  • 2 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon rose water
  • pinch of saffron

Other Ingredients:
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom seeds
  • 1 tablespoon sliced almonds and pistachio
  • Oil for deep-frying

  1. For syrup, Mix water, rose water and sugar and boil them up to 1 string (1-tar) consistency. Add Saffron and remove from heat and keep aside.
  2. Mix well the milk powder and butter, add Arrowroot powder, baking soda and again mix well. Now add milk and knead to a soft dough.
  3. Dough will be little sticky. Let the dough sit for 8-10 minutes. Milk powder will absorb the extra milk. If required add more milk as dough should be soft.
  4. Take a teaspoon of dough, place one cardamom seed in it and roll it to a ball. It makes around 15-20 small balls from the dough.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan on medium flame, drop each ball into hot oil gently and fry them until evenly browned on low flame.
  6. Remove the gulab jamuns with a slotted spoon, drain extra oil on kitchen paper and transfer into the hot syrup. Let sit them in the syrup about 1-2 hour before serving.
  7. Garnish with pistachio and almond and serve hot or chill.

  • Syrup for this gulab jamun should be thinner with 1 string consistency.
  • Don't fry gulab jamuns on high heat otherwise they will become hard inside and not fully cooked.
  • You can replace butter and milk with heavy cream. for the same ingredients I used near about half cup heavy cream and Gulab jamun turned out well using heavy cream...
  • For non-fasting gulab Jamun, replace Arrowroot by Maida (all purpose flour).

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Fresh Turmeric Pickle (Kacchi haldi ka achar)

Fresh turmeric - A very healthy choice , powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial is used in Ayurveda medicine in India.... thumbnail 1 summary

Fresh turmeric - A very healthy choice , powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial is used in Ayurveda medicine in India. It has beautiful natural color, wonderful earthy aroma and mild flavor. Although typically used in its dried, powdered form, turmeric is also used fresh, like ginger. Turmeric is widely used as a spice in South Asian and Middle Eastern cooking.
In medieval Europe, turmeric became known as Indian saffron because it was widely used as an alternative to the far more expensive saffron spice.
In recipes outside South Asia, turmeric is sometimes used as an agent to impart a rich, custard-like yellow color. It is used in canned beverages and baked products, dairy products, ice cream, yogurt, yellow cakes, orange juice, biscuits, popcorn color, sweets, cake icings, cereals, sauces, gelatins, etc. It is a significant ingredient in most commercial curry powders. (source: Wiki )

  • 1 cup Fresh Turmeric roots (Amba haldi)
  • 1/4 cup grated Raw Mango
  • 1/2 tablespoon fenugreek seed (methi dana)
  • 1/4 teaspoon asafetida (hing)
  • 1 tablespoon split mustard seeds (Red)
  • Salt to taste (Preferably 1 tablespoon)
  • 1 tablespoon red chili powder
  • 2 teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 1/4 cup oil


1. Wash the Fresh turmeric roots, wipe it completely, Peel off the skin from turmeric roots.
2. Cut the turmeric into small julienned strips.
3. Heat the oil till smoking point. Then, allow it to cool down.
4. Before oil cool down completely (warm), add salt, asafetida, fennel seeds, methi dana, split
    mustard seeds and chili powder one by one and mix well.
5. Now add grated mango and julienned turmeric to achar masala and give the pickle a good stir
    and cool down it completely.
6. Keep the pickle into a clean, sterilized jar. Your Pickle is ready to eat after 2-3 days.

You can also check out my other Pickle recipe below:
  1. Gatte ka achar (gram flour gatte Pickle)
  2. Chana-Aam achar (Chickpeas-mango Pickle)
  3. Kairi ki Laungi - Instant Pickle
 Notes: If Raw mango is not available then you can also use lemon juice for this pickle. Just add 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice instead of grated raw mango.
Also if you put the pickle jar in the sunlight around 12 PM about 1 hour for 2 days then your pickle's life will be more.

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Spicy Garlic Chutney for Vada Pav

This is a popular Maharashtrian recipe and commonly known as vada pav chutney. However, it can be used as accompaniment along with severa... thumbnail 1 summary

This is a popular Maharashtrian recipe and commonly known as vada pav chutney. However, it can be used as accompaniment along with several dishes. This chutney is made with a nice mix of roasted coconut flakes, sesame seeds, peanuts, garlic and chilies and spices. It gives spicy and nutty flavor.

  • 1/3 cup Coconut flakes
  • 1/3 cup peanuts
  • 1/3 cup sesame seeds
  • 5/6 large garlic cloves (if small then take 10-12 cloves)
  • 3-4 red whole chilli 
  • 2-3 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon jeera powder (roasted cumin seeds powder)
  • pinch of asafetida
  • salt to taste

  1. Dry roast coconut flakes, sesame seeds, peanuts, garlic cloves and red whole chili till they get slightly brown.
  2. Switch off the flame and let it cool down.
  3. Take the mixture into the blender and add red chili powder, jeera powder, salt, asafetida and blend it into a coarse powder.
  4. Serve with Vada Pav or use as required.
Note: Adjust spices according to your taste...

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Eggless Chocolate cupcakes for halloween

Looking for some not too scary Halloween cupcakes ? Perfect for preschool and kindergarten Halloween celebrations, these adorable cute c... thumbnail 1 summary

Looking for some not too scary Halloween cupcakes? Perfect for preschool and kindergarten Halloween celebrations, these adorable cute cupcakes are more sweet than scary. These creative Halloween Chocolate Cupcakes with Butter cream frosting. 

Prep time 15- 20 minutes
Cook time 20  to 25 minutes

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 3/4 cup thick dahi (fresh yogurt)
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup oil (vegetable/canola/olive)
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
For Butter cream frosting:   
  •     1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks), softened 
  •     3 cups confectioners (powdered) sugar, SIFTED
  •     ¼ teaspoon salt
  •     1 tablespoon clear vanilla extract
  •     2 tablespoons milk or heavy cream
For Decorating:

I used here pastry tip "Wilton 2D / 1M", butter cream frosting, royal icing, sprinkles, fondant to decorate...


1)Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Line a muffin tin with paper cases.

For the cake:
2)Add all purpose flour, cocoa powder and salt into a large bowl. Stir through flour mixture until combined well.
2)In a large bowl, take yogurt and sugar. Beat on medium speed by using hand mixture until combined well.
3)Then, add baking powder and soda and again beat on high speed until you see the bubbles.
4)Then add oil and vanilla essence and flour mixture, mix together and beat on medium speed until well combined. If the batter is too thick then add little hot water (near about 1-2 tablespoons). 

5)Divide the batter among the cupcake molds. Fill only 2/3 full. Bake in the oven preheated to 350° F. for about 20-25 minutes. Out of oven, let cool for 5 minutes in the pan and transfer to a wire rack and completely cool.
6)Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until risen and firm to the touch. Beat on high speed for about 1 minute to add air to the batter.
7)Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then turn over the cooling rack and cool completely.
Pastry tip “Wilton 2D / 1M” should make perfect swirls. Start piping in the middle and slowly pipe around until you cover the whole surface of cupcake. Just pipe with confidence. Pumpkin is made using fondant and acorns are made using HERSHEY’S chocolate and mini cream filled biscuits.

Instruction for frosting: 
Beat butter for a minute with a stand mixer on medium speed. Add powdered sugar and turn your mixer on the lowest speed until the sugar has been incorporated with the butter. Increase mixer speed to medium and beat for 3 minutes. Add clear vanilla extract, salt, and 2 tablespoons of milk/cream and continue to beat on medium speed for 1 minute more.

 If your frosting needs a more stiff consistency, add more powdered sugar. If your frosting needs to be thinned out, add more milk 1 tablespoons at a time.

Note : You can do any frosting of your choice for the cake...

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Chocolate Cake (Using yogurt, Eggless, butterless)

The best, eggless, butter less, moist and delicious Chocolate Cake recipe made with yogurt that will quickly become your favorite! This... thumbnail 1 summary
The best, eggless, butter less, moist and delicious Chocolate Cake recipe made with yogurt that will quickly become your favorite! This cake is the one you always dream of- any celebration.
This rich chocolate cake infused with cocoa and yogurt will bring a chocolate lover's dream come true! 

 preparation time : 15 minutes
Cook time : 45 minutes
Total time : 1 hour


  • 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup coco powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup thick dahi (fresh yogurt)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup oil (vegetable/canola/olive)
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1/4 cup hot water

For Garnishing -
  • cherries
  • Walnut pieces

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Prepare 9" cake pan by buttering/greasing and lightly flouring. 
  2. For the cake:
  3. Add all purpose flour, coco powder and salt to a large bowl. Stir through flour mixture until combined well.
  4. In a large bowl, take yogurt and sugar. Beat on medium speed by using hand mixture until combined well.
  5. Then, add baking powder and soda and again beat on high speed until you see the bubbles. 
  6. Then add oil and vanila essence and flour mixture, mix together and beat on medium speed until well combined. If the batter is too thick then add little hot water (near about 1/4 cup). 
  7. Beat on high speed for about 1 minute to add air to the batter.
  8. Pour the cake batter evenly in the prepared cake pan. Garnish with some walnut pieces.
  9. Bake first for 10 minutes on 400 degrees F and then for 30-35 minutes on 350 degrees F or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  10. Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then turn over the cooling rack and cool completely.
Note : You can do any frosting of your choice for the cake...
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